Welcome to Mipa: life of a Military Partner. I'm so glad to have you!
So, if you ended up on this blog you are either my mom (in which case you can skip this introductory section), someone who was looking for the Midwest Independent Publisher Association or Mipa Automotive Refinishing (sorry mate, wrong site, but now that you’re here, why don’t you stick around for a bit?) or someone interested in learning more about the life of a military partner – perhaps because you are one.
Whatever your reason for being here, I hope that you will find something in my posts that will make you laugh, cry and/or identify. The latter is why I started this blog in the first place. When my partner – whom, for privacy reasons, I will call Man – joined the Australian armed forces, I realised my life was going to change significantly. One of the first things I did – after cheering, crying, more cheering and more crying – is to Google ‘’blog by military partner/spouse’’. I wanted to know how military life impacted those who have walked in my shoes before me: how they dealt with separation, the anguish of deployment, and moving around constantly. I found that there are some amazing blogs out there that I got so much out of, though most of them by American women/military moms – so I simply could not relate to everything. I missed identifying with Australian spouses, childless women/men and perhaps even Europeans, who on top of having to deal with the hardship of military life, are also continents away from their family – like yours truly.
All of this made me decide to tell my story, to create a live journal if you will – an insight into the wonderful weird adventure that is my life, that is hopefully interesting for military people and non-military people alike. Plus, writing is great therapy and sure beats wallowing in a pool of self-pity whilst consuming too much wine, ordering shit I don’t need on Ebay and mourning the absence of Man (though I must confess that still happens occasionally). Last but not least: another reason for taking up blogging is that I decided to be a Rebster (Rebel meets Hipster ©) and to delete Facebook, so I really just needed a new hobby to keep me occupied during those many hours of procrastination at work.
Now, for the non-military partners amongst you beautiful readers (hi mom! I told you you could skip this section!): fear not. I shall attempt to write in a way that will entertain all of you, and I promise to not even use one of the two million military acronyms that I am being forced to learn if I still want to be able to understand Man in any given conversation. I will also share on a regular base about my life as a foreigner in this amazing country, and if you are lucky you might even get to read some funny stuff my semi retarded dog does.
You might want to start by reading a little bit about me, or perhaps here, the day it all began…